How we BLEW £100k on Advertising in ONE Day
Anyone you speak to that has been on the epic quest of making a video game will tell you that the marketing is by far the most difficult part of that journey. Embarking into game development for the very first time and with no existing user community waiting for our...

Dare to be the HERO! v1.5.2f2
Now the hero is complete! You are the SteamHammer fired up in all your steampunk glory with a fully functioning exo-suit armour. What's New in v1.5.2f2 NEW Full Body Hero Avatar. Default 3rd Person Auto Camera. NEW 'Michael Bay' Camera Angle. Movement on one...

V1.5.0 A Complete Game Changer
If you played prior to the 1.5.0 update then you simply have not played it at all. The game now features as its default, total free movement which can also be used alongside the historically accurate Springhorn Magnetic Attraction Rapid Transport system (S.M.A.R.T)...

The Great Movement Debate – Introducing Free Movement & 3D Rudder
We are pleased to announce that in the next update that we will be adding the option of free movement. Teleporting V Free Movement is a subject under great debate and whilst some users get very cross if they cant move freely, for others this can cause extreme nausea....

MASSIVE UPDATE – V1.4.0 – Shocking Development!
Oh WOW! There is so much exciting and cool stuff in V1.4.0, we cannot wait to hear your feedback! EASY means EASY We have listened to your feedback and we have to put our hands up and admit that we really buggered it up! SteamHammerVR has three settings; EASY, MEDIUM...

Oculus Touch Now Supported + New Enhancements v1.3.0
We are delighted to announce that the world of SteamHammerVR - The Rogue Apprentice is now open to be explored by owners of the Oculus Touch. Included in the release of v1.3.0 we have also made the following improvements. New Optional Visual & Audio Help prompts...

Helmet Upgrade with Voice Commands! Update 1.1.1
Announcing a small but totally splendiferous update prior to the complete release scheduled for Summer 2017. Voice Commands As well as switching your weapons using the pads, you can now switch your weapon load out by saying the following voice commands: HAMMERS Two...

Seek & Destroy Mode LIVE! – Update 1.1.0
So folks! This is the last update before we come out of Early Access in Summer 2017. In this latest release there have been several further tweaks and improvements to the Story Mode gameplay, but now you can access Seek & Destroy arcade Mode and try one of four...

An AMAZing Update – V1.0.4 – Into the Sewers!
Yes! The new Sewers Mission is now available for all our intrepid SteamHammerers. You will certainly need your wits about you, as well as a peg for your nose and a good sense of direction, it's a complete maze of tunnels down therein the sewers. As you have probably...

HTCVive Games – Wave Shooter – Brave Shooter or Grave Shooter?
Read any review on the best tethered virtual reality headset to buy and the HTC Vive is always up there as one of the premium head mounted displays on the market. However, the HTC Vive is arguably the most expensive VR devices compared to PlayStation VR (PSVR) and...

The Clockwork & The Steam
Your adventure takes place in Victorian London 1892, but dark deeds are afoot, aside from the distant cries for help in the fog, the streets seem eerily quiet but you are soon to realise why!

Tinkering Update 1.0.3
Dr Springhorn has been busily tinkering away since last weeks launch and is tickled pink to announce the splendiferous version 1.0.3 What's New Game Tips - Yes we know you are big enough to look after yourself and this is doubtlessly stuff you already know, but some...

Updated Demo + Minor Hotfixes to EA Version
It came to our attention that the Demo made available back in September 2016 no longer represents the game that exists today, as such we have today replaced that demo with a version that mirrors the EA version...with a limited time in Mission One. We can also announce...

Fancy a Pint in Victorian London?
The Skillington Arms used to be one of the most popular Irish pubs in this part of old London town, but it seems very quiet for a Friday night. Enter the Barrels 'o Fear a devious creation by hoodlum Xavier O Skillington brought to life by your nemesis Professor...

The Guards Welcome You to The Tower of London
Rattwurm's Beefeater automatons await you, but don't expect a particularly warm welcome from these 9ft giants! One of the most deadly of Rattwurm's devious creations this monster towers above the largest of heroes. The good news is that the ravens haven't left the...

Your adventure starts at St Paul’s
We have moved the launch date a bit, but we think you will appreciate the effort being put into really polishing the look and feels of this game. VR is as much about the experience as it is about the gameplay. Your journey now starts with a stunning VR cinematic intro...

SteamHammer VR Game Title announced
SteamHammerVR - The Rogue Apprentice - London 1892 Available from 9th December 2016 and expanding exponentially from the free preview you can immerse yourself in the full story whilst embarking on unique and fun missions in many iconic London locations. You will...

SteamHammerVR at Ars Independent Festival
GamestormVR on tour with an early demo of SteamHammerVR at Ars Independent Festival 2016.

The Making of SteamHammerVR
It all has to start somewhere, a brainstorm, throwing ideas around, working out what your team can actually make a reality.